With a lot of roots underground, Japanese knotweed can be extremely difficult to eradicate. In order to completely eradicate the plant, all of the roots need to be destroyed, otherwise the plant may grow back. It's okay to grow Japanese knotweed in your own garden, but failure to keep it there can lead to a £5000 fine.

The benefits of removing japanese Knotweed are:
  • Increase in Land Value
  • Makes your garden more aesthetically pleasing
  • Removes risk of damage to paving areas, tarmac and other concrete structures
  • Allows for other plants to be grown

The list of services we can offer are:
  • Control of Himalayan Balsam
  • Control of Japanese Knotweed

Blythe House Farm, Riverside Road, Tean, Stoke-on-Trent, ST10 4JW